Rice output and demand growth are expected to
be closely matched, at an average of 0.8% and
1.0% respectively. Overall, world stocks should
remain comfortable, but the stock-to-use ratio
is forecast to decline slightly, to 21% from 23%
forecast for the end of 2013/14. Trade is projected
to expand further, led by increased deliveries to
Far East Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.
Soyabean and rapeseed/canola production growth
is expected to outpace grains and rice, against a
background of strong demand from the crushing
industry. Combined output growth is projected
at an average of 2.1% p.a. in the medium term.
Oilseed stocks should recover, but the market is
likely to remain relatively tight, with the stock-touse
ratio is seen rising only slightly, to 12%, from
10% anticipated for the end of 2013/14
Rice output and demand growth are expected tobe closely matched, at an average of 0.8% and1.0% respectively. Overall, world stocks shouldremain comfortable, but the stock-to-use ratiois forecast to decline slightly, to 21% from 23%forecast for the end of 2013/14. Trade is projectedto expand further, led by increased deliveries toFar East Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.Soyabean and rapeseed/canola production growthis expected to outpace grains and rice, against abackground of strong demand from the crushingindustry. Combined output growth is projectedat an average of 2.1% p.a. in the medium term.Oilseed stocks should recover, but the market islikely to remain relatively tight, with the stock-touseratio is seen rising only slightly, to 12%, from10% anticipated for the end of 2013/14
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