7.3.1 Warning
Table 11 indicates the mean score and standard deviation of each item with regard to the practice of negative reinforcement approach in the form of warning. Generally, the total mean score of the practice of negative reinforcement approach in the form of warning was high (M=4.074) with a standard deviation of 1.415. The approach of demonstrating and explaining to the students of the appropriate behaviours to be displayed whenever any of the students misbehaves had a high mean score of 4.571 followed by informing the students that the displayed behaviours are inappropriate in a subtle way with a mean score of 4.193. Apart from that, the teachers’ approach at developing the students’ behaviours by continuously giving encouragement to them to display good behaviours at all times was also at a high level with a mean score of 4.184. On the contrary, the approach of the teachers telling the students of the disruptive behaviours committed by their friends and advising them to avoid doing so was at a moderate level with a mean score of 3.546.