Even though he tried to keep things upbeat by interspersing his explanations with humor and not dwelling on the negative side, Mr. Davies did not really get the school year off to a very good start. There are going to be a lot of changes in the school this year to make room for the increased number of students and all the problems that go with more students. Some teachers seemed pretty angry. Mr. Davies tried to put the best face on it that he could. He didn’t try to sugarcoat anything. He just gave it to us straight out. I think he expected the complaints that he got from people who wanted to place blame. He didn’t let them bother him. He just listened, let the people know that he heard them, and then moved on. He also didn’t just read from the packet of information to the teachers when what they wanted to know was given there. He just told them where to look for answers. It was a difficult kind of meeting to have.