Multinational corporations play an important role in the world economy through the process of economic globalization; in other words, the increasing economic interdependence of national economies across the world through a rapid increase in cross-border movement of goods, services, technology and capital.
Multinational corporations have played a leading role in this globalization, establishing multiple links between the economies of various countries. Using capital from developed countries, MNCs establish factories and plants in developing countries, where they can access raw materials and labor more cheaply. The finished products are then shipped back to wealthy countries where there is a consumer market.
Given the above statement, I would predict that the world politics will be made up from the integration of each faction left from the war, whether: armed groups, spiritual leader of traditional political leader. Therefore, the most suitable administrative form of UN should be "The United Federation". The idea of federate system derives from American administrative style that gives the autonomy to the specific local government, and all local government leaders will be supervised by the executive branch which is the President.
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