This isolate has a medium-high virulence to avocado
(Lo´ pez et al., 2008). Eight monoconidal isolates from four different
Trichoderma spp. (T. atroviride P. Karsten CH 101; CH 273, CH 304.1,
CH 314 and CH 316; T. virens (Miller, Giddens and Foster) Arx CH
303; T. harzianum Rifai CH 252 and T. cerinum Bissett, Kubicek
and Szakacs CH 296) were selected as candidate BCA’s based on
previous studies with 48 bulk isolates from our culture collection
(unpublished data). All originated from the rhizosphere of avocado
trees, except for isolate CH 252, which was derived from the rhizosphere
of a greenhouse-grown carnation.