Fact 2 What is an APN?
Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs):
• They are registered nurses (RNs) with masters, post-master or doctoral degrees.
• They are certified by a specialty organization after passing national certification
• They diagnose, treat, teach and counsel patients to imderstand their health problems
and what they can do to get better. They may work in teams or individually.
• They coordinate care and advocate for patients in the complex health system.
• They refer patients to physicians and other health care providers.
History of Advanced Practice Nursing
There are four advanced practice nursing (APN) masters/doctoral nursing degrees.
1. Certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNA), or in New Jersey APNs Anesthesia
2. Clinical nurse specialists (CNS)
3. Certified nurse midwives (CNM), in New Jersey they are regulated under the Board
of Medical Examiners.
4. Nurse Practitioners