people. other introducing and identifying
1. a. To make an introduction
There's someone I'd like you to meet.
Let me introduce you to a friend of mine.
There's someone you should really get to know.
2. a. Use this is or I'd like you to meet.
wilai, I'd like you to meet Bruce Na Ayutaya. Bruce, this is Wilai Saengintong.
Ning, this is Kamolwan Boonlert. Kamolwan, I'd like you to meet Ying Fun-yaow.
3. a. Make the response.
Nice to meet you Glad to meet you.
Pleased to meet you.
4. Say something about the following:
a. your relationship to the person. b. what the person does: Ning's an old friend of mine. Sompop's in marketing. Wilai and I study together. Ning is an English Major. I know Wankana from high school. c. an interesting fact about the person
5. a. Give a response Bruce always gets an A in speaking. Oh, really? Lalita is the prettiest girl in our faculty. That's nice. Methawee likes photography. That's interesting.
Example: Introducing your wife to your boss
You:.Honey. There's someone I'd like you to meet.
Mr. Thomas. I'd like you to meet my wife. Jiraporn, this is Mr. Thomas.
Mr. Thomas: Nice to meet you, Jiraporn.
I'm pleased to meet you, too.
Wife: You: Mr. Thomas. My wife also plays tennis, and is quite good.
Mr. Thomas: Oh, really?