An example of the results obtainable from the Matlab
program based on the algorithm in Section 3 are shown in
Tables 3 to 5 and Figure 5 for maximum flow from source
nodes 3,4,7 to target nodes 46,48,49, repectively. The computation time on a PC running at 2.9 GHz was approximately
1.4 seconds. Table 3 shows a possible set of paths for maximum flow. In general, the set of paths is not unique. The set of
paths shown in Table 3 was obtained by using the Dijkstra
shortest path algorithm (Gross and Yellen, 2006) to construct
paths in increasing order of travel time. An alternative procedure would be to use the Dijkstra algorithm to construct
paths in decreasing order of maximum flow. Table 4 shows
An example of the results obtainable from the Matlabprogram based on the algorithm in Section 3 are shown inTables 3 to 5 and Figure 5 for maximum flow from sourcenodes 3,4,7 to target nodes 46,48,49, repectively. The computation time on a PC running at 2.9 GHz was approximately1.4 seconds. Table 3 shows a possible set of paths for maximum flow. In general, the set of paths is not unique. The set ofpaths shown in Table 3 was obtained by using the Dijkstrashortest path algorithm (Gross and Yellen, 2006) to constructpaths in increasing order of travel time. An alternative procedure would be to use the Dijkstra algorithm to constructpaths in decreasing order of maximum flow. Table 4 shows
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