Directorate of Arts
The Directorate of Arts is concerned with the conservation, preservation
and development of visual and performing arts, both traditional and
contemporary. Programmes are developed in which the various types of
art from all over the country, from the most traditional to the more
modern and the truly contemporary, are exhibited, performed and discussed.
The aim is to introduce them nationwide and make these art forms
more widely known, thus giving the population a basis for the development
of national art without sacrificing the local arts and cultures as the main
source of reference.
At the provincial level, the directorate is assisted by officials in charge
of the arts attached to the Provincial Representative of the Department
of Education and Culture (see Fig. 2). The directorate is also responsible
for various cultural centres in the provinces mentioned in the historical
synopsis. One of the main functions of these centres is promotion and
development of local, as well as national culture, through art festivals and
inter-provincial exchange of art activities. These programmes always
have the full co-operation of both the local administration as well as the
provincial representative of the Department of Education and Culture.
Co-operation consista very often of budgetary assistance or facilities.
Figure 2 shows the co-ordination in the provinces.
International co-operation in the field of the arts is also conducted
through the Directorate of Arts. International art activities may be channelled
through multilateral co-operation agencies, such as Unesco, COCI,
SEAMEO or ASEAN, as well as through bilateral arrangements.