A bioremediation model was developed to describe the projected
rates of metal bioremediation from the AD. The model was
based on empirical data collected during this study and some assumptions
regarding the amount of AW produced at Tarong each
year. A model was developed to test the scenario that the existing
200 ha AD was converted to a series of bioremediation ponds with
the same parabolic profile as that used in our demonstration study.
This scenario was chosen for two reasons. First, it is assumed that
the area of land available to support a bioremediation technology
will not exceed the area dedicated to the existing management
strategy (i.e. onsite retention). Second, life-cycle analyses of utilityconnected
algal cultivation suggest that there are diminishing
returns in C capture as the facility increases in size due to the energetic
costs of pumping flue gas (Rickman et al., 2013). Consequently,
100e200 ha facilities have the greatest C capture potential
(Rickman et al., 2013).