Aside from this, there are other ceremonies throughout the fest, notably: invocation of the gods Lam Tao, who keeps track of the living, and Pak Tao, who keeps track of the dead; processions of the gods' images; and feats of the Ma Song-like bathing in hot oil, bladed ladder climbing and fire-walking. The festival ends with merit making ceremonies at each temple (sadoh kroh) and the send-off of the gods on the last night (when fireworks are at their most impressive).
Ma Song, or middleman, are devotees whom the gods enter during the fest. They manifest supernatural powers and perform self-tortures in order to shift evil from individuals onto themselves, and to bring the community good luck. Ma Song fall into two categories: those who, having had an intimation of impending doom, want to extend their lives; and people specially chosen by the gods for their moral qualities.
Throughout the festival fireworks and drums are sounded, especially during ceremonies. It is held that the louder they are the better, because the noise drives away evil spirits.
Participants in the fest keep to a strict vegetarian diet for a varying number of days, usually no less than three. This they do to make themselves strong in mind and body; they refrain from all vice, eating animal flesh, and killing animals. The festival thus promotes good hygiene, brightness and inner peace.
Purification and Vegetarianism :
While devoted to the Nine Emperor Gods, purification of individuals as well as of communal spaces is the principal theme of the whole belief during this period of time.
Self-purification of the devotees is symbolized by the white attire and fasting to achieve a strict form of vegetarianism (Je or Je Chai or Chai).
The purification of space of impure and dangerous forces, conceived generally as evil spirits, is one of the principal ritual activities of the spirit mediums.
Fasting = Chiak Chai
The prohibition of consuming food with strong or raw smell, such as garlic, Chinese chives, tobacco and “lak khiao” (a small vegetable similar to garlic) is to prevent the five essences of body (Fire, Water, earth, wood an metal) being harmed by the strong aromatics contain toxins. Abstinence is to test one’s power of endurance, self-discipline and penance in order to attain longevity.