Urban transportation is thus associated with a spatial form which varies according
to the modes being used. In an age of motorization and personal mobility, an increasing
number of cities are developing a spatial structure that increases reliance on motorized
transportation, particularly the privately owned automobile. Dispersion, or urban sprawl,
is taking place in many different types of cities, from dense, centralized European
metropolises such as Madrid, Paris, and London, to rapidly industrializing metropolises
such as Seoul, Shanghai, and Buenos Aires, to those experiencing recent, fast and
uncontrolled urban growth, such as Bombay and Lagos
Urban transportation is thus associated with a spatial form which varies accordingto the modes being used. In an age of motorization and personal mobility, an increasingnumber of cities are developing a spatial structure that increases reliance on motorizedtransportation, particularly the privately owned automobile. Dispersion, or urban sprawl,is taking place in many different types of cities, from dense, centralized Europeanmetropolises such as Madrid, Paris, and London, to rapidly industrializing metropolisessuch as Seoul, Shanghai, and Buenos Aires, to those experiencing recent, fast anduncontrolled urban growth, such as Bombay and Lagos
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