Management within the organization is a function of industrial engineering. The management of workers that we use Lp help in solving the problem. Lp principle used to help resolve problems in the course of OR by creating a translation services. As in 1 weeks have workers alternately working 50 people. By this time the 50 workers stay depends on a lot of little work. Our duty is, we"ll find that workers 1 people can work maximum hours. Then, we use LP to help to find that if we give maximum working hours. Then, we can reduce the number of workers in this section to reduce the lost to hire workers to this part or not. By giving workers work just up from the original look, but each work increased without a time to rest or stay less. We can reduce the number of workers that part to reduce the cost of the company or not. Finding the maximum income the company will receive or low cost most of the company, we can use LP help to solve this problem, or even use. LP in finding the best solution to the company can do.