In conclusion, numerous studies have investigated the influences of movie smoking or peer influence on adolescents’ smoking behaviour, and a few have considered the differences among ethnic/social groups. Although small, to our knowledge, our study is unique in finding an important combined effect of movie smoking and peer influence in a context of ethnicity. With more extensive further research, understanding such issues sensitive to cultural differences and social behaviours in a given population could be useful information when designed targeted social marketing strategies for behavior change. and Cultural differences, such as when someone is in the house. Whether you are a parent or relative. The inmate smoking Many people are smoking I saw the smoke in the house, but the kids thought it was normal. Many teenagers or According to the relatives I try and think of smoking as it expresses an adult. Which I think Adolescent smoking a number of reasons, mainly because many want to try. And values that are not valid. Adhesion Friends Youth start smoking because I try. The nature of teenagers who want to be challenging, exciting and enjoyable even know is not healthy for them. Factors later Environment, especially the family smoking.