The Clean Water Act is the primary authority for water pollution control programs and is aimed at restoring and maintaining the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of natural water resources.
Among other provisions, the act sets national goals to eliminate the discharge of pollutants into navigable waters and protects the quality of water for aquatic and terrestrial organisms
Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act (1972). This act provides a permitting process to control the ocean dumping of dredged material. Coastal Zone Management Act (1972). This act was passed in response to the public concern for balanced preservation and development activities in coastal Section 404 Regulatory Program (1972). The Sect- ion 404 Regulatory Program states that it is unlawful to discharge dredged or fill material into rivers, lakes, streams, tidal waters, and most wetlands without the necessary authorization, permit, or exemptions. Safe Drinking Water Act (1974). In seeking to protect the nation's sources of drinking water, this act autho rized the EPA to develop regulations for protecting underground sources of drinking water and to estab lish maximum contaminant levels to protect public health