The future of Flight
Important challenges cloud its future. First, the airline industry may not be financially healthy enough to pay for commercial overall the airline industry has not been especially profitable. Future of air transportation for it is the great carriers that have provided the launch orders for new airline in the past.
Regularly used commercial aircraft when the "Superjumbo" finally took paying passenger in 2007. Asian carriers key players in the airline and aircraft industry today. Boeing Asian markets will be fragmented over the Pacific and tailored its newest offering, the 787 Dreamliner, for that purpose. That is important because a second basic threat to the future of the airline industry is the price and availability of fuel. Still, the fuel efficiency of air transport improved in recent as high as 70% between 1960 and 2000, and possible future reduction a rate of 1 to 2% per year.
A third threat is terrorism and security. Terrorism directed against civil aviation, earlier attacks against aircraft and airport and airline had been concentrated in Europe and the Middle East. The will to fly seems irrepressible, and aviation is now inextricably entwined in the fabric of 21 century everyday life across much of the world.