The increasing rate of unemployed graduates is one of the issues that triggers world’s concerns lately. Consequently, this
research aims to investigate factors that lead to the unemployment problem among Malaysian graduates from three aspects,
which are graduates’ attributes, lecturers’ competency and quality of education. This qualitative research adopted an interview
method, which was conducted to seven respondents who have the experience in teaching and working in the industry. The
majority of the respondents agreed that the graduates’ attributes, lecturers’ competency and the quality of education, which is
referred to the curriculum of a study field, are among the factors that contribute to the unemployment problem among the
Malaysian graduates nowadays. Therefore, it is reasonable for the parties who are involved in the construction and the
enhancement of the curriculum of the related to the field of study to conduct an in-depth study. This should be done in order
to identify the problems that occur throughout the implementation of the study area. It is important to evaluate the suitability
of the implementation of a curriculum of the study area in order to ensure the implemented curriculum can produce human
resources, which are qualified, skilful and can fulfil the need of the industries and the current market.