Satellite coverage in urban areas using Unmanned Airborne Vehicles (UAVs)
In case of emergency, when fixed infrastructures
collapse, access to satellite resources might represent the
only means of communication, even though, especially in
an urban environment, shadowing can strongly reduce the
visibility time. In addition, TCP based applications suffer
from well know problems due to long latency. To
improve performance we can act both at the architectural
and protocol level.
This paper considers an innovative architecture using
HAPS/UAV connected to the satellite thereby reducing
the impairment of shadowing and introducing a shortrange
link with the user terminal; efficient TCP solutions
allow use of standard equipment and applications without
sacrificing performance. The combined use of both can
greatly improve overall performance.
The paper investigates how this innovative system
architecture can be usefully employed in critical scenarios
and provides a performance evaluation of TCP based
applications using high data rate links.