treatments consisted of four combinations of foliar micronutrient
fertilizer sprays: treatment A0: no foliar fertilizer (tap water
spraying); treatment A1: foliar fertilization with MnSO4
(34.2 Mn) in a dose of 850 mg l1 (1.02 kg ha1 of MnSO4);treatment A2: foliar fertilization with ZnSO4 (38.4Zn) in a dose
of 850 mg l1 (1.02 kg ha1 of ZnSO4); and treatment A3:
foliar fertilization with a combination of ZnSO4 and MnSO4
(1.02 kg ha1 of ZnSO4 and 1.02 kg ha1 of MnSO4). The
treatments were performed in 5 · 6 m plots, and the crops were
sown with 0.50 m space between the rows and 0.10 m space between
the plants, giving a plant density of 200,000 plants ha1.