Caudal fin reddish brown without bars, darker at base
darker, distal with few dark dots distally. Anal fin brown,
darker at base and distally. Pelvic fins dark brown, tips
whitish. Pectoral fins colourless.
Live colouration. Body sides of males (Fig. 2) with iridescent
greenish blue metallic scales; dorsally dark
brown. Light brown stripe on dorsum from head to anterior
dorsal-fin base. Head reddish brown. Two distinct
parallel vertical bright red to golden bars on opercle. Iris
greenish blue. No distinct dark stripes on head or body
sides. Unpaired fins reddish brown, speckled with greenish
blue dots and streaks. Pelvic fins reddish brown with
greenish blue tips. Pectoral fins hyaline. Females (Fig.
3) as for males but fewer iridescent greenish blue metallic
scales on body sides. Parallel vertical bars on opercle
lighter and less bright.