Hair loss
Data sources 1.
Hair loss, hair loss caused by several problems. The genetics is the most common cause. The problem with hair loss does not occur only in the elderly. Or men only But with all ages as well as other factors that are important with diseases such as thyroid, stress, get some drugs overdose. And environment encountered in everyday life. Including various eating That may affect the hair loss. Infections Or embellishment bending dyed hair coloring.
In fact, hair loss Medically It is normal If hair loss is more than 100 per day, the line was already considered abnormal. The loss is not regeneration. Or grew up, but somewhere down the line. Hair loss or patches of a particular area is the most common cause of hereditary. It can be found in a woman's body in low quantities. Hormones that bind to hair follicle cells. The hair loss I was raised in the line will be smaller. The aging I have some more as they age.
- Reduce salt intake And too much sugar (fruit, vegetables, salt and sugar in large part to himself, anyway).
- Avoid alcohol and smoking, which is the cause of dandruff, hair loss and more.
- Do not wash your hair too often. Generally should not exceed 1 day using a mild shampoo ingredient is organic and not too alkaline.
- May lay the head lower than the rest of the body is certain. (Each approximately 15 minutes per day) to increase the flow of blood to the head.
- Massage your scalp with fingers To increase blood flow Vitamin E may be used To reduce dandruff, massage or massage with almond oil.Or coconut oil
- Avoid Stress Due to the reduced blood flow to the scalp can cause hair loss and more.
- Eat at MU And hygiene River runoff may increase vitamin or mineral in the diet group had not.
- Exercise regularly Because of increased blood flow throughout the body.
- Drink enough water At least 2 liters.
- After swimming Hair should be washed with water immediately.
- Avoid sun Especially during the hours of 10 am to 2 pm ultraviolet light to destroy the hair.
- Avoid chemicals on the hair such as hair dye, hair straightening hair with heat and should not be frequent.
- Do not pull your hair too often, I like to braid tight band or too tight can cause hair loss because of the retraction. Do not tie me while I was still damp.
- Use relaxation techniques Meditate or do not mind a stress may help reduce hair loss.
- Do not comb your hair or hair too. This might cause the hair to fall.
- The hair with some natural ingredients like honey mixed with egg yolk or apple juice marinate 1/2 hours, then rinse before shampooing.Makes me soft
- When hair loss problems See your physician to diagnose the cause. And maintain because if left may cause baldness. This affects personality
Data sources 2.
Abnormal hair loss What causes it?
Strong Shampoo
Shampoo ads on TV or magazines. I buy it because I could invite her to shine. You know that each brand of shampoo each recipe is not suitable for all hair types. Well, you should choose a mild shampoo. Do not mix chemicals Because of that I will have to fall to worry yet, anyway.
Maybe the girls could not imagine. Yu's why I fell so wrong. See, I noticed that the hair loss, you're nervous or worried or anything. If you have a lot of stress and hair loss. It can be a little difficult to maintain. But if you're really concerned, try to see a doctor or not.
Pregnancy hormones in a woman's body can be replaced. It might make her stressed tantrum is not normal. That would result in a loss of more than usual anyway. This is but a symptom during pregnancy and after birth may be a long way away only. But if you take care of me very well, it will help reduce the problem.
The hair and your scalp to sunlight, pollution or chemicals in shampoos. It may lead to the loss of natural oils. If you do not care at all. It does not surprise me why I fell a lot.
Different hairstyle
If you like coiled strands braided hair or a ponytail tied tight, very often, is another cause of hair loss is much the same. Because the rubber band or hair that is too tight. It makes the hair follicles weak since then.
Hair Color
I do know that the lives of girls but also fun to turn Luke to another. But if done too often causes hair loss like me. Also, I drive every day, it hurt me so hard I did. Because your hair weakens and eventually fall.
I like to pull himself
I like to draw, I like myself a lot or just a friend pulled me cars. Said that it will make your scalp million. If you do not want me to fall into a bald woman. Let me just stop this behavior.
If young people are still confused. Why I like hair loss, although often took care of me very well. So let's ask the family to see it. They often hair loss or bald or not. If yes, then May affect up to you.
Jumbos Abuse
If you lose weight by fasting or eating the wrong foods, but to no avail. It will cause your body to malnutrition, lack of protein and vitamins essential to the body. And this is the reason that causes hair loss as well.
Night life
Whether to stay up late, smoking, or alcohol. In addition to these health deteriorated down. Also, the loss of your hair, too.
Low risk of thyroid hormones in the body
Normally, the thyroid gland produces hormones to regulate metabolism. The low incidence of thyroid hormones in the body up, then. To be followed by many problems. It also can cause hair loss as well.
Skin infections caused by fungi
One type of skin disease caused by fungus. Or 'ringworm It affects the scalp. The disease, which also causes hair loss or bald patches with.
If women use drugs for a long time in a row. It can cause hair loss as well. But it does not worry me. Since when does the body recover, and discontinuation. Your hair will recover well, like me.
Data sources 3.
Why and how to prevent hair loss
Speaking of hair loss Most women also tend to think only of what's going on, but actually gentlemen's hair loss is that it is compatible with both sexes. Only violence will probably not equal. But when symptoms called "hair loss" happens to women, we strongly then. Many would be uncomfortable Because his men Some hair loss on the head with less hair down a bit. It has turned out well As women, we would find it hard to look good. When is this girl who has perfect hair. That can learn about their hair loss. Try to find a way well before the time here.
Typically, the hair on the head of the people would fall by up to 50-100 strands per day is usually due to a process that makes hair grow a new line instead. However, some people may have a problem if I fall out too. There are many reasons as to cause hair loss. Some medications Radiation exposure Chemical Exposure Hormonal changes Or due to improper nutrition. Is a disease of the thyroid gland.Some skin diseases Including stress Many of these symptoms may be only temporary. But some symptoms are persistent. Let's look at the causes of hair loss is what.
1. Hormone
These hormones are responsible for stimulating the hair or hairs. At the same hormones can cause hair loss as well. Called Ye hormone changes. That's the main reason that causes the hair loss so much. It affects both men and women.
In men, hair loss may be in a specific format. (Ever heard of it as a field dog wandering Dong Chang across something like that here), while in women, hair loss is generally the head without any form extra hair loss is caused by hormones. androgen good ultrahigh (Androgen DHT;Androgens, the male hormones that are present in both males and females by DHT or Dihydrotestosterone. The hormone is derived from the hormone. Testrosterone The testosterone by certain enzymes), but what is interesting is all. I had a good hormones HTC is doing, while some of them do not have hair loss problems. Show that there must be other factors involved. That's where the roots can capture the androgen receptor (Androgen receptor) over this behavior is inherited genetically. To prevent possible using current anti-androgen. To prevent the occurrence of HTC. But in the future there may be a genetic engineering management roots, I am not affected by HTC, it is not good.
2. begot
After pregnancy Many women may have symptoms of hair loss. And 2-3 months after childbirth, it might be a lot of hair while combing hair. This condition may be located up to six months and then it's usually gone. Hair loss is a result of hormonal changes in the body to adjust itself to normal after childbirth itself.
3. Oral contraceptives
Birth control pills can induce hair loss in women is premature. So if young That among relatives of itself tends to have more hair loss when they are older. Must tell this to your doctor before taking oral contraceptives. When stopping hair loss may be in the next 2-3 months later, and usually disappear after six months, however, there may be some cases where hair will not grow back again. It is to be careful in using this drug as well.
4. diseases
Roots of the people susceptible to the disorder or imbalance in the body. In most cases, hair loss due to disease or illness usually resolves itself after recovering from the disease. And body back to health, like to see these diseases as well.
- High fever, severe infections. Or fever
Like that heard Fever bare head This will undoubtedly be the subject anyway. Maybe I'll fall to 1-3 months after a fever, but symptoms often disappear as the body intact.
- Thyroid (Thyroid disease).
Thyroid is the largest endocrine glands. Produces hormones to control things. Many of our body The thyroid gland makes too little or too much work. It causes hair loss altogether. The symptoms of thyroid disorders can be detected by laboratory methods. And hair loss caused by disorders of the thyroid gland can be undone. (I grew up) when they are cared for properly.
- Lose weight the wrong way.
Some people may lose weight by dieting. By eating too little p