Aim of the concept analysis
The aim of this concept analysis is to clarify the concept of
oral hygiene care as it is provided by nurses to dependent
older persons in institutional settings who do not rely on
mechanical ventilation and are not undergoing chemotherapy
or radiotherapy. A working definition will be offered. Walker
and Avant’s (2011) eight-step method of concept analysis
was chosen for this study. The steps include: (a) concept
selection; (b) determining the aim or purpose of the analysis;
(c) identifying uses of the concept; (d) determining defining
attributes; (e) identifying a model case; (f) identifying any of
borderline, related, contrary, invented and illegitimate cases;
(g) identifying antecedents and consequences; and (h) identifying
empirical referents. This method’s prescribed approach
and widespread use are appealing, but it is not without criticism
(Weaver & Mitcham 2008) and, therefore, potential
downfalls will be considered throughout.