Patients who were admitted to inpatient clinic of Dışkapı Yıldırım Beyazıt Training and Research Hospital, Department of Psychiatry between July and December 2007 and followed-up from outpatient clinic and having at least 4 year history of disease were recruited. Relatives of patients who were living with them and have the most important position for patients’ care made up the sample. Relatives of patients having at least a primary school degree was taken as an inclusion criterion in order to administer the tests accurately. Patients having a psychotic disorder due to a medical reason were excluded from the study. Patients and their relatives who complied with inclusion criteria were informed about the study. Eighty patients out of 90 accepted to participate in the study and their written consents were also taken. Inclusion criteria of patients’ relatives who make up the sample group are having diagnosis of schizophrenia and bipolar mood disorder according to DSM-IV-TR criteria, not living alone and not having a disease impairing communication in his/her general medical status and absence of an additional chronic disease impairing functionality.