Transparency is broadly recognized as an essential component
of sustainable development and good governance [1–3], especially
with regard to the management of natural resources [4]. In order
to develop a more secure investment environment and provide the
public with knowledge of natural resource rents received by their
governments, terrestrially-based standards such as the Extractive
Industries Transparency Initiative have been established to ensure
greater fiscal transparency [5]. Though the value of transparency
in marine resource extraction, particularly fisheries, is likewise
broadly recognized [6] (Sections 172 and 173), transparency
standards have not yet been applied. The Food and Agricultural
Organization of the United Nations' (FAO) voluntary Code of
Conduct for Responsible Fisheries states that decision making
processes and management of fisheries should be transparent [7]
(Sections 6.13 and 7.1.9). However, while several technical
guidelines have been produced by the FAO to facilitate implemen-
tation of the Code [8], none yet explicitly consider transparency.
Increases in fishing pressure accompanied by global declines in
fish stocks strongly suggest that fisheries need to be more
effectively managed [9]. The United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement
[10] recognizes regional fisheries management organizations and
agreements (RFMOs) as institutions and processes through which
these high seas resources are to be sustainably managed. Although
these organizations now cover much of the geographic extent of
the world's oceans beyond national jurisdiction [11], the global
status of fish stocks continues its slow decline [12]. According to
some scholars and environmental non-governmental organiza-
tions (NGOs), RFMOs are failing to achieve their objectives [13–19].
However, the extent of the problem is often obscured due to a lack
of publicly available information, particularly concerning compli-
ance and enforcement [20–22].
While international ocean governance bodies, including
RFMOs, have been discussing the importance of transparency for
over twenty years, it is unclear how much their practices have
evolved [23]. This paper seeks to address that question and is the
first study of RFMOs that focuses exclusively on transparency.