Often I could not tell if people knew if she was in disguise or not. When I was in subway as Kikuchiyo-san, just going home from photographing her, a few people actually helped me (her) with my (her) bags. No weird stares or anything, they really sincerely seemed to be helping out this elderly lady with a camera bag. People don’t normally think that anyone next them will be in disguise, especially as an elderly person, though I’m often self-conscious wondering if they are going to find out that I’m in disguise. I normally get into acting her role as well when I’m dressed up as her: I walk slowly, I walk with a bit of a hunch, and I am quiet, since I think she is rather quiet. Kikuchiyo-san sort of blends into those busy subways and streets of NYC. New York City is a great place to be when you want to be unnoticed.