The terms used in this law have the following meaning:
1 “Responsible authority” is the General Directorate for the Prevention of Money
Laundering that reports directly to the Minister of Finances, and serves as Financial Intelligence
Unit of Albania.
2 “Shell bank” is a bank, which does not have a physical presence, including lack of
administration and management, and, which is not included in any regulated financial group.
3 “Correspondent bank” means a bank that provides banking services in the interests of
another bank (initiating bank) or its customers, to a third bank (receiving bank) based on an
agreement, or a contractual relation among them.
4 “Financing of terrorism” has the same meaning as provided by articles 230/a through
230/d of the Criminal Code.
5 “Bearer’s negotiable instruments” means unconditional payment orders or promises to
pay a given sum of money, easily transferable from a person to another, that must meet a set of
criteria such as bearing the signature of the issuer or the bearer, they must be guaranteed payment
promises or unconditional payment orders , they must be payable to the bearer or according to the
order upon request or after a specified deadline. This includes but is not limited to cheques,
promisory notes, cambials, credit cards and traveler’s cheques.
6 “Customer” means every person, who is or seeks to be party in a business relation with one
of the entities referred to in Article 3 of this law.
7 “Business relation” means any professional or commercial relationship,