today is July13 ,and it is snowing in northern Alaska.In Athens they are having the driest summer in years.Temperatures have risen to over 106 f and the beaches have been crowded since 8 o'clock this morning.on the other side of the world,people in parts of Australia are experiencing the worst floods in a century.
2.Meteorologists are not the only only ones who look for unusual signs. TV weather reporter Ross Lindy recalls,”my mother used to say that it was going to rain every time the cows lay down in the fields, and she was always right!” Many older people have their own “methods”of predicting the weather, but nowadays things are more scientific. In fact, it is surprising how even a child can make day-to-day predictions with just a little bit of information. so how is the weather actually forecast?
B.It is a different matter for the professional forecaster, whose weather predictions are carried out using computers and complex programs. The computer can predict temperature, pressure, wind and rainfall. Then the forecaster can examine how the day’s weather will be affected. This method is accurate, but it is not recommended for the beginner.
In addition to these daily forecasts,scientists such as meteorologists,are also responsible for long-range forecasts and for spotting anything unusual that might appear in the sky.