where Ce(mol/L) and qe(mol/g) are the concentrations ofcontaminants in water and adsorbed on adsorbent at adsorptionequilibrium, respectively. KFand n are Freundlich constants relatedto the adsorption capacity and the adsorption intensity of theadsorbents, respectively. qm(mol/g) is the maximum adsorptioncapacity, and b is the adsorption equilibrium constant of Langmuirmodel, which is related to the affinity of binding sites. The fittingcurves are shown in Fig. 8, and the relative parameters are listed inTable 4. It was found that Langmuir model mostly fits the adsorp-tion isotherm according to the higher R2value, thus the monolayeradsorption is suggested for CIP adsorption on CNFs [31].