Hagevik recognized that the students have produced a list of a large number of energy sources, some more fanciful than others (though at this stage, in good brainstorming form, all options are treated equally). Once such a list is produced, trying to decide which one is the best one seems a daunting task. So she says “Maybe it will be easier if we approach this now in a more organized way. Let’s see if we can think of a small number of factors that we need to take into account in order to decide which energy source we want to recommend. For example, we should probably consider cost, don’t you agree? What else will we want to take into account? Let’s make a list of these factors in the next column.” Notice how she models this activity. In this case the procedure is quite effective. Here is the list of factors her students produced. Also note that she has obviously paraphrase some of these use of exact language is something she models as well. This is one of the important habits of mind that she stresses in this lesson to enhance the thinking the students engage in.