Now, well over a decade later, graphics quality is finally beginning to approach pre-rendered standards, and once again the adventure-game genre is making a comeback, but not in the expected venue. As major publishers (as well as software companies) have grown larger, they are less inclined to spend money on developing games that will not sell millions of copies. Other genres that traditionally might sell only 70,000 to 150,000 units each slowly disappeared from the shelves, as did the stores and shelves themselves. The two biggest factors in the revival of not only the adventure-game genre but other specialty genres are the shift to online buying of products, enabling developers to bypass the big publishers, and the ease and affordability of the software required to author and produce games. The ensuing casual games market, blown wide open with the advent of the iPhone and other mobile platforms, has enabled small studios to enjoy success and motivated individuals to break into the industry as never before.