Minimum variation in heart rate and respiration frequency was seen in medium height students who used 46
cm high chair and 68.5 cm high table. However decrease in grip strength was minimum in case of tall
students who were using 43.5 cm high chair. Heart was least stressful when short statured students used 40
cm high chair and 71 cm high table whereas respiration frequency changed minimum for medium height
students when they used this table with 43.5 cm high chair. Grip strength was least changed for tall students
who used 40 cm high chair and 71 cm high table combination. When subjects of different height categories
used 73.5 cm high table, it was medium height students (sitting on 46 high chair) whose heart beats and grip
strength changed least. Moreover, respiration frequency was least affected when tall students sat on 40 cm
chair and did given task.