Experimental trampling was conducted in a Brazilian coastal sand dune community in a State Park. Five permanent plots were trampled with intensities of 25, 75, 200, 500 and 1000 passes, in addition to a control plot. Trampling responses were assessed through species composition, vegetation cover and height evaluation. Although there was a clear loss of vegetation cover, the study area recovered within three months, when no statistical differences could be detected. Reductions in height occurred with less impact. There was no statistical difference among 200-, 500- and 1000-pass plots neither for cover and height nor among control and 25- or 75-pass plots, suggesting weak linearity between impact and amount of use. Cover analysis for the three main species showed the same tendency as that of the "surrounding plant community", high resilience, which is probably a response to the natural stress continuously suffered by the vegetation. Species from nearby areas colonized the plots after trampling impacts, increasing the diversity on the plots.
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