แปลภาษาอังกฤษเป็นไทย ออนไลน์ แปลภาษา แปลข้อความ แปลบทความ แปลเอกสาร แปลประโยคอังกฤษเป็นไทยทั้งประโยค แปลเอกสารภาษาอังกฤษเป็นภาษาไทยทั้งประโยค แปลประโยคอังกฤษเป็นไทย แปลอังกฤษ แปลไทย ฟรี [Translate] English to Thai Translation Translate Translator , ภาษาอังกฤษ มีใช้ในประเทศออสเตรเลีย แคนาดา ไอร์แลนด์ นิวซีแลนด์ สหราชอาณาจักร สหรัฐอเมริกา ไลบีเรีย เบลีซ แอฟริกาใต้ อินเดีย
Hyunseung insert the password of his home and entered, he take of his shoes and wore the small slippers at the entrance. Even though he had to come alone in the family car, this time he was not disappoint or sad about it. About his father leaving him to the driver Ahjussi again, in fact, he didn’t think anything in this day could become bad after meeting her. He smiled just thinking about the day he had spent today at the Kim’s.
‘’Why are you so happy Seungie?’’ his mother voice brought him back from his reverie and he smiled brightly at her. ‘’Did your Dad praise you today?’’ she concluded but he shake his head in denial.
‘’Better than that’’ he reply. ‘’Really? Then what is it?’’ she pried further wanting to know what was it. Hyunseung made his way to the living room and replied. ‘’I made a friend’’ her mother eyes opened widely in surprise.
‘’For real? But you said you didn’t like the kids from school. Did you change your mind?’’ she asked dumbfounded. Well he couldn’t blame her, he was very adamant when it came to things he didn’t want to do. Not even his father could make him change his mind. ‘’Ani, not in school. She’s the daughter of a business partner of Dad, her name is Hyuna’’ his mother face showed mischievousness now.
‘’She must be really special to make my son so happy’’ Hyunseung blushed at her statement.
‘’Omo! Seungie-ah you are blushing?’’ she kneeled next to him and grab his cheeks pinching them lightly. ‘’It’s been so long since you acted this cute’’ Hyunseung pouted his lips at seeing his mother antics. ‘’Omma don’t treat me like a child’’ he continue to pout but refused to snatched her hands away from his face. After all it had been a long time since he saw his mother so happy and playful with him. Normally she would greet him with a smile but not long after she would wear this strange expression of hers that made him felt sad.
‘’You’ve grown up so fast Seungie, now you even like a girl’’ at that statement he felt himself blush again and felt the urge to defend from the implication of his mother words. ‘’I didn’t say I like her!’’ his mother let go of his cheeks and stood up.
‘’Don’t lie, mom know everything’’ Hyunseung lowered his head in defeat and mumbled. ‘’I just like her a little bit’’ he heard his mother chuckle and looked up to find her in the kitchen showing her back to him. ‘’Arraseo… so where’s Dad?’’ Hyunseung became stiff with her question dreading her reaction but answer none the less. ‘’Abeoji said he would not be coming tonight because of a business dinner at Bussan. He said he may come tomorrow’’
‘’I-I see’’ her voice shake and she turned at him smiling again but Hyunseung didn’t like it. It was the fake smile she always wore to not worry him and it always appeared when father stayed out of home. Maybe she was worried about something happening to dad. She may have not notice but he knew those days she would cry herself to sleep and greet him in the morning with a lot of make-up that wasn’t sufficient to hide the red puffed eyes. He didn’t understand why she would do this, but he would try to ease her worries.
‘’Omma don’t worry, Abeoji said he would be here to lunch with us and flights to Bussan are very safe these days. Statistics don’t lie mom’’
‘’Is that so?’’ her eyes soften at him. ‘’Umm’’ he nod. ‘’Well then why don’t you tell me more about your new friend Hyuna while mom cook you something delicious?’’ he instantly brightened at the change of topic and start his tale.
‘’Hmm where to start?... She is a year younger than me and she’s very energetic, we played all day but at first……….’’ he narrates all the things he did today with her all with a smile on his face.