Macrobiotic Diet Plan Review
The Promise
call il the pursit of hippieness. Macrobiotics, with its brown rice, beans, sea vegetables,and asian yin-yang philosophy of finding balancge in life for health and vitlity, was the original counterculture diet back in the'60s. It's actually been around much longer than that.
A macrobiotic diet isn't just about your weight-- it's about achieving balance in your life. It promises a healthier, more holistic long-term lifestyle for men, women, and children that encompasses mental outlook as well as food choices. macrobiotic dieters are encouraged to eat regularly, chew their food extremely well, listen to their bodies, stay active, and maintain a perky, positive mental outlook.
Whold grains, vegetables, and beans are the mainstays of the diet, which some people believe can prevent or treat cancer. While the American Cancer Society stops short of recommending macrobiotic diets to prevent cancer because there's no scientific evidence, it does say that researchers believe enting a plant-based, low-fat, high-fiber diet lowers the riskof heaet disease and some kinds of cancer.