The current study aimed at exploring the use of reading strategies among Saudi
EFL learners; investigating to what extent the use of these strategies affects students’
reading comprehension; and exploring other intervening factors that might affect Saudi
students’ EFL reading comprehension. The study employed both quantitative and
qualitative methods to gain information about Saudi students’ perceived use of reading
strategies as well as their comprehension level. Although they seem to be potentially
strategic readers, Saudi EFL learners' comprehension level does not depend solely on the
use of reading strategies. Prior knowledge (appropriate schemata), enthusiasm for
reading, time on task, purpose for reading, and vocabulary are significant factors that
contribute much to the final comprehension. Therefore, the study suggests that EFL
educators in Saudi Arabia focus more on these factors in planning their reading
curriculum and instruction. The study also recommends that reading instruction should
supplement students with sufficient and balanced extensive reading activities.