Avocados contain high breathing rate and limited storage life of fruits and avocados are the key points are different from most other fruit, unripe fruit, not in the normal ripening on the tree, but the avocados Chelsea is almost ripe on the trees and the avocado fruit is subjected. Vacuum while submerged in the liquid to infiltrate The most distinctive feature of fruits, unripe avocados would embryo different firmness in avocado fruits is a good forecast of the difference in the maturing process of the soft fruits will ripen them faster than other hard fruit. Low-temperature preservation is the most commonly used methods to prolong the preservation in avocado. The usage of the storage conditions, with higher concentrations of carbon dioxide, and low concentrations of oxygen, coupled with low temperatures, has proved successful in delaying ripening and deterioration in many fruits. The avocado fruit, even a relatively low-temperature growth process slows down continuously to the ripe fruit in the end very quickly, even in storage temperature 10° c.