Mid-September 2014 until mid-May 2015: This is an extremely exuberant influence, which inclines you to do everything in a big way. Your energy level is high, and you are ambitious in everything that you do. You have a great need to expend physical energy, but be careful not to act recklessly. Discipline and restraint are necessary, no matter what you do.
Do not overestimate your abilities, either to yourself or to others. You are capable of doing quite a bit under this influence, so you don't have to exaggerate. It is especially important not to kid yourself about your abilities, however, because you will genuinely try to do the impossible and quite possibly exhaust yourself in the process. For the same reason, don't take unnecessary chances. The feeling of omnipotence that this influence confers is not real, at least not to the extent that you feel it.
Sometimes this influence can signify a conflict with another in which you try to break away from the other's restrictions. It is difficult to say in general whether your estimate of the facts is accurate, that is, whether the other person is really demanding too much or restricting you too much. Therefore you must examine the issue very carefully before you act. You have a great need to be self-assertive at this time, but be sure to reserve it for a situation in which it can be constructive. Avoid acting upon impulse. It could get you into needless trouble.
On the other hand, this influence also confers real courage. The difference between courage and foolhardiness is simple self-knowledge, which you must have in order to make this influence work out positively. If you are cool and collected in what you do, this can be a time of considerable triumph as you overcome obstacles and accomplish deeds that you usually would feel incapable of. If you have to stand up for yourself, you can, and in a way that makes further dealings with your opponents constructive rather than destructive. But this will happen only if you keep your head.