Microbial co-cultures consisting of no more than two or three
strains are used to increase the number of oxidized substrates with
preserved reproducibility of biosensor responses [6]. This leads to
broader substrate specificities and stabilization of the biosensor
functioning for a long period of time. Thus, in [7] the authors used
the co-culture of Trichosporon cutaneum and Bacillus subtilis to form
a BOD biosensor. The biosensor was used to determine BOD in lake
water and municipal wastewaters; its lifetime was more than 40
days. In [8–9], microorganisms Bacillus licheniformis, Dietzia maris
and Marinobacter marinus isolated from sea water were used. The
biosensor described was capable of stable operation for up to 10
months and was successfully used to assay sea water samples.
Despite the available descriptions of BOD biosensors based on