Tomato (var. Nav Ratan) seeds were sown in earthen pots (15 cm
dia., 6 seeds/pot) containing sterile soil. After 25 days of germination,
thinning was done to maintain four seedlings per pot. Pots
were kept in ambient green house conditions with natural
temperature (25 2 C), 12 h light/dark photoperiod and relative
humidity of 85e90%. Wheat bran containing pathogen was mixed
at a rate of 1.5% (w/w) with the same soil with which the pots were
filled and then 10 g of the same soil (containing pathogen inoculum)
was spread over the surface of the pots at four leaf stage of
the plants. After acclimatization for 3e4 days, the plants were again
inoculated with actinomycete suspension.