Abstract Traffic information applications been proposed as a potential solution for traffic congestion problem in Bangkok,Thailand.
However, the tendency of application usage has not increased as expected. Thus, this study is conducted to investigate the factors influencing on travelers’ intention to use traffic information applications on smartphones using modified Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with the emphasis on the differences in influencing factors between
long-distance travelers and short distance travelers.
The results show that the attitude toward using application has the powerful effect on behavioral intention to use application in both groups of respondents and perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, subjective norm,perceived enjoyment and trust in application are the predictors of the attitude toward using application in both groups as well.
However, the strongest determinant of long-distance travelers’attitude is trust in applications. Perceived usefulness is the strongest determinants of short-distance-travelers' attitudes.
Moreover, long-distance travelers tend to be more interested in the reliability of application than short-distance travelers.
Meanwhile, short-distance travelers tend to be more interested in the ease of use of application than long-distance travelers.