Meteorology 101
The specific heat capacity of a substance is the amount of heat energy needed to raise 1.0 g of that substance by 1.0 °C. In equation form the specific heat capacity C is given by
Temperature & heat Lab
1. The specific heat capacity of a substance is the amount of heat energy needed to
raise 1.0 g of that substance by 1.0 °C. In equation form the specific heat capacity
C is given by
mass Temp
Substances with a large specific heat capacity take a large amount of Heat energy
for each 1°C temperature increase. Alternately, substances with a relatively large
specific heat capacity will undergo a relatively small temperature increase for
each Joule of heat energy added.
Which has the largest specific heat, rocks or water? Explain.
2p. (prediction) 100 g of cool water at 20 °C is mixed with 100 g of warm water at 60 °C. What
is the final temperature of the mixture? Hint: as the hot water cools it gives its energy to the cool
a. less than the mid point temperture (40 °C in this case)
b. at or about the mid point temperature
c. more than the mid point temperature
Test your thinking here. Put 100 ml of tap water into an insulated cup and then in
another cup put 100 ml of water and heat it up to about 60 oC ( close to 60 oC will
be good enough for you to test your thinking). Record the temperature of the tap
water and warm water below.
Ttap= _____________
Pour the tap water into the warm water and then record the temperature of the
2t. (after testing your thinking) 100 g of cool water at 20 °C is mixed with 100 g
of warm water at 60 °C. What is the final temperature of the mixture? Hint: as the
hot water cools it gives its energy to the cool water.
a. less than the mid point temperture
b. at or about the mid point temperature