3.1.3 Reverse Logistics
Reverse logistics is defined as the return or take-back of a product or packaging, after use, from customers or to suppliers for the purpose of reuse, recycling,reclamation of materials from the product orpackaging, or safe refill of products (Carter & Ellram,1998; Stock 1998). This definition illustrates that reverse logistics involves return activities from customers at products’ end of life in addition to return of purchased items to suppliers for the purposes of
recycling, reuse, or reclamation of materials.Moreover, the definition illustrates that reverse logistics can be performed for the product and its packaging (Rogers & Tibben-Lembke, 2001).Therefore the measure for reverse logistics needs to encompass items that reflect both elements. Six items that reflect these concepts are adapted from Carter and Ellram (1998) and Rogers and Tibben-Lembke(2001) as shown in Table 4 below.