From an economic point of view, replacing up to 30% of FM by SBM
with phytase supplementation in diets for C. striata achieved an economic
benefit; however, the greatest gains were seen in the SBM-P-20
diet (Table 4). Similarly, it can be seen that replacing up to 30% of FM
by SBM with taurine supplementation in diets for C. striata achieved
an economic benefit (Table 5). Cost for one kg fish weight gain was
reduced by a maximum of 11.5% in treatment SBM-30 compared to
the control treatment. Finally, replacing up to 50% of FM by SBM with
phytase supplementation in diets for C. micropeltes also achieved
an economic benefit (Table 6). Cost for one kg fish weight gain was
reduced 4.2% in treatment SBM-P-40 compared to control (FM)