Emergency Instructions (Fire)
1. Instructions indicating what a guest should do in the case of a fire emergency must be provided at least in
English in each guest room in a convenient location.
2. For rooms opening into an interior corridor, a map showing the layout of each floor and the relation of the room to nearby exits must be posted on the
back of the entrance door, or next to the entrance door.
3. Fire emergency instructions may be included in a printed Directory of
Services or any other convenient location within the guest room.
4. An electronic/digital version (available only on the television screen) must NOT be the only source for fire emergency instructions.
Point loss: 240
1. If any of the above criteria are not met, there is a 240–point loss.
1. Contact your local fire authority and obtain its recommendations in preparing these instructions and their placement.
2. If Reception is not staffed 24 hours daily, the “local fire department number” should be listed.
3. Evacuation procedures and assembly location should be provided.
Emergency Instructions (Medical)
1. Instructions on how to obtain emergency medical assistance are to be provided at least in English in each guest room.
2. The instructions may be included in dialing instructions, the Directory of
Services, or conveniently located within the guest room.
3. An emergency pull alarm with adequate signage complies.
4. A simple listing for finding a doctor does NOT satisfy this requirement.
Point loss: 24
1. If any of the above criteria are not met, there is a 24–point loss per room.
If Reception is not staffed 24 hours daily, the “local number for medical emergencies” should be listed.