Human resources and knowledge management are considered to be one of the most important factors with in organizations that help them to achieve a competitive advantage. However, organizations should take care of thehuman factor and increase their commitment within organizations to take advantage of the knowledge withinthem. The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between human resources managementpractices and organizational commitment, on the one hand, and their relationship with knowledge managementprocess, on the other hand.
Consultancy firms operating in Jordan were used as the main sample of this study. A random sample wasselected where 220 questionnaires were distributed to such firms. Only 207 questionnaires were submitted backwith a response rate of 52%. A theoretical model was proposed and tested using structural equation modeling(SEM). The results of the SEM analysis indicated that human resources practices (recruitment methods, trainingand development, performance appraisals, and reward systems) have a significant influence on organizationalcommitment (affective commitment, continuance commitment, and normative commitment). Finally, the studydid not find a direct relationship between human resource (HR) practices and knowledge management (KM)processes (knowledge acquisition, knowledge distribution, knowledge interpretation, and organizationalmemory). However, causal links were founded between human resource practices and organizational commitment, on the one hand, and organizational commitment and knowledge management processes, on the other hand.