Study result show that children English vocabulary memorizing ability in pretest between control group and experimental group has no significant differences. Because t count 0.818, p > 0.05 before they get special treatment , the two groups are the same. It is cause by the two groups have not received English lesson yet.After getting English lesson through conventional method for control groups the result is that pretest and posttest score shows a significant difference ( p < 0.05 ) meanwhile for experimental group after getting education music with English children song the result is also significant ( p < 0.05 ). From both calculation shows that between two groups there are increase in the ability to memorizing English vocabulary through conventional method or education music with English children song. Even though both shows significant differences, the experimental group shows higher score more that the score obtained by control group. This can be shown from the calculation of control group and experimental group posttest score which is -
4.423 ( p < 0.05)