The design and development of continuous fermentation
systems have allowed the implementation of more costeffective
processes. Continuous processes have several
advantages compared to conventional batch processes
mainly due to the reduced construction costs of the bioreactors,
lower maintenance and operation requirements,
better process control, and higher productivities (see Table
3). For those very reasons, 30% of ethanol production facilities
in Brazil employ continuous fermentation processes
(Monte Alegre et al., 2003). Most of these advantages are
due to the high cell concentration found in these processes.
Such high densities can be reached by immobilization techniques,
recovery and recycling of cell biomass, or control of
microbial growth. The major drawback is that yeasts cultivated
under anaerobic conditions during long time diminish
their ability to synthesize ethanol. In addition, at high
dilution rates enabling elevated productivities, the substrate is not completely consumed and yields are reduced.
Aeration also plays an important role during continuous
cultivation. Cell concentration, cell yield from glucose,
and yeast viability may be enhanced by increasing air supply
whereas ethanol concentration decreases under both
microaerobic and aerobic conditions. Cell growth inhibition
by ethanol is reduced at microaerobic conditions compared
to fully anaerobic cultivation and specific ethanol
productivity is stimulated with the increase of oxygen percentage
in the feed (Alfenore et al., 2004).
The design and development of continuous fermentationsystems have allowed the implementation of more costeffectiveprocesses. Continuous processes have severaladvantages compared to conventional batch processesmainly due to the reduced construction costs of the bioreactors,lower maintenance and operation requirements,better process control, and higher productivities (see Table3). For those very reasons, 30% of ethanol production facilitiesin Brazil employ continuous fermentation processes(Monte Alegre et al., 2003). Most of these advantages aredue to the high cell concentration found in these processes.Such high densities can be reached by immobilization techniques,recovery and recycling of cell biomass, or control ofmicrobial growth. The major drawback is that yeasts cultivatedunder anaerobic conditions during long time diminishtheir ability to synthesize ethanol. In addition, at highdilution rates enabling elevated productivities, the substrate is not completely consumed and yields are reduced.Aeration also plays an important role during continuouscultivation. Cell concentration, cell yield from glucose,and yeast viability may be enhanced by increasing air supplywhereas ethanol concentration decreases under bothmicroaerobic and aerobic conditions. Cell growth inhibitionby ethanol is reduced at microaerobic conditions comparedto fully anaerobic cultivation and specific ethanolproductivity is stimulated with the increase of oxygen percentagein the feed (Alfenore et al., 2004).
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