1.New debt would cost about the same as the yield on outstanding debt and would have the same rating. – Very likely if the ratings haven’t changed.
2. The firm would continue raising capital for future projects by using the same target proportions as determined by the book values of debt and equity – Although in reality firms don’t stick to the exact historical proportions of debt and equity, it can be argued that failure to do so would lead to higher future costs. It’s probably better to use current market value weights rather than book value proportions, however. Since prices of these securities and hence their weights have changed significantly.
3.The equity beta (1.2) would be the same for all the divisions. This seems quite realistic given the nature of business of the divisions.
3.4.The growth rates of earnings and dividends would continue at their historical rate – quite realistic.
4. 5. The corporate tax rate would be 40% - seems logical.
อัตราภาษีจะเป็น 40% -
6 . 6.The floatation cost for debt would be 10% of the issue price and that for equity would be 15% of selling price – these can be figured out quite accurately by talking to investment bankers.