Fibonacci and Lucas numbers have long interested mathematicians for their intrinsic theory and their applications. For rich applications of these numbers in science and nature, one can see the citations in [15]. For instance, the ratio of two consecutive of these numbers converges to the Golden section
(The applications of Golden ratio appears in many research areas, particularly in Physics, Engineering, Architecture, Nature and Art. Physicists Naschie and Marek-Crnjac gave some examples of the Golden ratio in Theoretical Physics and Physics of High Energy Particles [69]). Therefore, in this paper, we are mainly interested in whether some new mathematical developments can be applied to these numbers. In this paper we obtain new results about Lucas numbers. As a reminder for the rest of this paper, for n > 2, the well-known Fibonacci Fn and Lucas Ln sequences are defined by
respectively. Moreover, for the first n Fibonacci numbers, it is well known that the sum of the squares is Also
The sum of the squares formula is our motivation to look for combinatorial sums related to the square of Lucas numbers. Thus, again for the motivation of the paper, we should note that, in [10], Spivey presented a new approach for evaluating combinatorial sums by using finite differences. Also, he extended this new approach to handle binomial sums of the form
as well as sums involving unsigned and signed Stirling numbers of the first kind
There is also interest for k-Fibonacci polynomials. Let Fk;n be a k-Fibonacci sequence. Note that if k is a real variable x then Fk;n D Fx;n and they correspond to the Fibonacci polynomials defined by
(see [11]). Actually many relations for the derivatives of Fibonacci polynomials proved in that paper. As a final sentence of this section, we note that in the reference [12], some new properties of Fibonacci numbers with binomial coefficients have been investigated. Actually these new properties will be needed in the proof of one of the main results.
Fibonacci and Lucas numbers have long interested mathematicians for their intrinsic theory and their applications. For rich applications of these numbers in science and nature, one can see the citations in [15]. For instance, the ratio of two consecutive of these numbers converges to the Golden section (The applications of Golden ratio appears in many research areas, particularly in Physics, Engineering, Architecture, Nature and Art. Physicists Naschie and Marek-Crnjac gave some examples of the Golden ratio in Theoretical Physics and Physics of High Energy Particles [69]). Therefore, in this paper, we are mainly interested in whether some new mathematical developments can be applied to these numbers. In this paper we obtain new results about Lucas numbers. As a reminder for the rest of this paper, for n > 2, the well-known Fibonacci Fn and Lucas Ln sequences are defined byrespectively. Moreover, for the first n Fibonacci numbers, it is well known that the sum of the squares is AlsoThe sum of the squares formula is our motivation to look for combinatorial sums related to the square of Lucas numbers. Thus, again for the motivation of the paper, we should note that, in [10], Spivey presented a new approach for evaluating combinatorial sums by using finite differences. Also, he extended this new approach to handle binomial sums of the form as well as sums involving unsigned and signed Stirling numbers of the first kind
There is also interest for k-Fibonacci polynomials. Let Fk;n be a k-Fibonacci sequence. Note that if k is a real variable x then Fk;n D Fx;n and they correspond to the Fibonacci polynomials defined by
(see [11]). Actually many relations for the derivatives of Fibonacci polynomials proved in that paper. As a final sentence of this section, we note that in the reference [12], some new properties of Fibonacci numbers with binomial coefficients have been investigated. Actually these new properties will be needed in the proof of one of the main results.
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