Well, the world is actually not an easy place. In shielding adolescents from everyday unpleasant situations, such as bullying by a peer, we may be doing them a disservice. Look at the number of people in their early 20s who can't support themselves, find themselves unable to take constructive criticism in the workplace, and generally cannot cope with basic life occurrences. This may be because they were never given the chance to stand on their own two feet in situations such as when they may have been experienced minor bullying. However, extreme bullying is something that cannot be justified. The bullying I imply is say someone says you are short or have a big nose-not when someone ostracizes another for their sexuality, race, etc. At that point it goes beyond bullying into harassment, which should not ever be tolerated!
Lily · 5 years ago
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depends on what kind of bullying you are talking about because they are two distinctive kinds of bullying. the one type people see and recognize the most is the physical however they is also mental bullying. which everyone does not always see or notice right away, we even do it to ourselves at one time or another. if you look at it that way then you might be able to think of the possibilities for being not against bullying.